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  • Fumed silica

product manual

Fumed silica, fumed silica technology, is an important nano-inorganic chemical material. It has a small particle size (7-40nm), a large specific surface area (50-400m2/g), and a high product purity (SiO2≥99.9%) . The product has excellent surface chemical properties and good physiological inertia. It has a wide range of applications in the fields of silicone rubber, adhesives, paints, coatings, inks, electronics, paper, cosmetics, medicine, food, and agriculture. Thickening, thixotropy, extinction and other functions are indispensable raw materials and additives in the national basic people's livelihood industry, national defense industry, and high-tech fields.

Production method:

High-temperature hydrolysis of chlorosilane:

Chlorosilane is prepared by hydrolysis reaction between high temperature hydrogen and oxygen flame (1500℃~2000℃).

Raw material and reaction equation

The raw materials for the manufacture of fumed silica are mainly chlorosilane, hydrogen, and air. Among them, chlorosilanes mainly include silicon tetrachloride, trichlorosilane, monomethyltrichlorosilane, dichloromethylsilane, etc. Silicon tetrachloride: SiCl4+ 2H2+ O2 → SiO2 +4 HCL

Trichlorosilane: SIHCL3 +1.5 H2 + O2 →SiO2 + 3HCL

Monomethyltrichlorosilane: CH3SICL3 +2 H2+ 3O2 → SiO2 +3HCL + 2H2O + CO2

Dichloromethylsilane (one methyl contains hydrogen): CH3HSiCL2 + H2+ 3O2→ SiO2 +2HCL +2 H2O + CO2
